

The benefits of tomatoes

Tomatoes are indispensable in almost all meals, as they are a rich fruit not only in terms of flavor but also in terms of potential health benefits. However, tomatoes are not for everyone, as they are one of the most commonly associated foods with food allergies. It may cause some unpleasant digestive symptoms in some people, but it is also considered a “fruit” and a food rich in antioxidants and packed with many vitamins and other essential nutrients.

Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamins C and K, potassium, folic acid, and water. In fact, it is about 95% water with 4% carbohydrates and 1% fiber. Many of the health benefits of tomatoes are linked to lycopene, which is found in the highest concentrations in tomato products such as ketchup, juice, paste, and ketchup.

1. Protects the skin

Tomatoes are full of carotenoids, a specific type of antioxidant that protects your skin from sun damage, according to nutritionist Elena Paravantes.

2. Improved mood

Not only do tomatoes enhance the flavor of your meal, but they may also improve your mood in the long run. A 2013 study published in The Journal of Affective Disorders found that participants who ate tomatoes two to six times a week were 46 percent less likely to report mild or severe symptoms of depression compared to those who ate tomatoes less than once a week.

3. Helps absorb nutrients

Tomatoes are one of the foods that actually help your body absorb other nutrients better, according to Health Canal Nutritionist Blanca GarcĂ­a. Specifically, tomatoes may help you absorb iron, a mineral that plays a key role in making hemoglobin and myoglobin, proteins that help carry oxygen to muscles and organs throughout the body.

4. Contribute to the speed of wound healing

A 2016 study of hospital patients published in the International Journal of Surgery found that when people took 1,000-milligram vitamin C supplements, they saw “extensive and complex” wounds heal faster and better.

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