citrus fruits

Citrus Fruits

Types of citrus fruits and their benefits:

Learn about the most important ones

Citrus fruits are a plant family named Rutaceae, which includes different types of fruits that contain a relatively high amount of citric acid.

Citrus types

The majority of citrus fruits are round in shape, and the taste of different types of citrus ranges from acidity to sweetness and bitterness. Citrus fruits consist of a juicy pulp that often contains the seeds of the fruit. The pulp is enclosed in a white sponge-like layer covered by an outer peel that has a slightly rough texture. These peels are often used in the manufacture of sweets and some delicious food dishes.

The citrus family includes many types of delicious fruits, some of which are well-known and popular, while others are less common. Here is a list of the most important types of citrus:

Oranges of all kinds, such as:

– red orange, and bitter orange.

– Mandarin.

– Trang or citron. Japanese orange.

-Grapefruit. Lemon yellow, lemon green.

– The pomelo.

– Clementine.

– Tangerine.

– Lemon hedgehog

Citrus benefits

1. Improve the appearance of the complexion

Different types of citrus contain relatively high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps stimulate collagen formation in the skin, so eating citrus fruits regularly may help the following: Giving elasticity and freshness to the skin. Fighting skin pigmentation.

2. Prevention of kidney stones

3. Reducing the doses of some types of medicines

4. Improve the health of the heart and arteries

Eating various citrus fruits may help improve the health of the circulatory system and reduce the chances of heart disease, such as: atherosclerosis and heart attack, as some studies have shown that citrus fruits contain compounds that may help the following: Lowering blood pressure levels. Lowering cholesterol levels.

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